Le Petit Ruisseau
Le Petit Ruisseau 

Photo gallery

We're convinced you'll love it here at Le Petit Ruisseau. But see for yourself what lies in store for you: browse the Photo gallery below!

Rooms & amenities

Outside and Garden

Local highlights

Contact us

Le Petit Ruisseau


291 Route du Pont de Caen

Le Pont de Caen

La Haute Chapelle

Domfront en Poiraie



Tel +33 (0)604063784 or

      +33 (0)233377120

E-mail: lepetitruisseaugite@gmail.com


To make a reservation now, you can also use our online form here.



News & events

Check our website to find out local events and news from Le Petit Ruisseau and the La Haute Chapelle, Domfront en Poiraie area.